Severna Park High School
Counseling Center
Schedule Change Requests
Students, just like in previous school years, you can request a schedule change as long as it complies with AACPS Board Policy IG-Selection and Changing of High School Courses. Requests for a schedule change MUST be made via a google form within the first 10 school days of each semester.
Instructions and google form can be found here.
The deadline for spring semester changes is February 4, 2025.
Note, a schedule change request does NOT guarantee a change, nor approval of a change.
Students are to follow their current schedule until they receive a new schedule from their School Counselor.
The AACPS Board of Education supports schedule changes ONLY for the reasons stated below:
Adding courses for seniors who need a specific course to meet graduation requirements.
Correcting courses for sequential order.
Inserting courses to deal with failures from the previous school year or semester.
Deleting courses previously taken and passed.
Adding new courses to replace those made up in summer school.
Adding academic subjects recommended by colleges or employers (must be certified in writing by the college or employer).
Correcting courses for health reasons (must be certified in writing by a physician).
Changing courses as a result of a course correction in another subject.
Changing courses as a result of teacher recommendation (due to inappropriate academic level).